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On the happy trail. 좋은 글 같아 일단 스크랩을 해둔다. 시간날 때 꼭 읽어 보자.

According to Oswald, if you trace the trajectory of most peoples' happiness over time it resembles a J-curve. People typically record high satisfaction levels in their early twenties. These then fall steadily towards middle age, before troughing at around 42. Most of us then grow steadily happier as we get older, with those in their sixties expressing the highest satisfaction levels of all - as long, that is, as they stay healthy.
이글이 맞다면 조만간 행복 시작. Emoticon: smile

World Database of Happiness를 보면 세계 각국의 나라별 행복지수가 나오는데(Happiness in Nations, Rank Report 2002-1) Top 5는 Switzerland(8.1), Denmark(8.0), Iceland(7.8), Luxembourg(7.8), Canada(7.7) 순이다. 우리나라는... 6.3

Comments (1)

> as long, that is, as they stay healthy.

Quit smoking.